Being a cyber activist you can collaborate in the protection of the environment and peace from your computer. You just have to fill in your details and when there is a cyber action we will notify you with a message to your email address.

Cyberactivism is one of the main participation tools that we have to stop abuses against the environment.
Being a cyberactivist you can work together with Greenpeace and be an active part of our claims and actions.
It is vital to demand immediate solutions from those responsible – control bodies, companies, legislators, governments, etc. You can do it by e-mail or a phone call.
Thanks to the participation of thousands of people, we have been able to stop the logging of forests in many parts of the world, promote important laws against pollution and maintain the prohibition on commercial whaling.
There is still much left to do.

Being in Greenpeace is an extraordinary opportunity to express myself in favor of noble, just and very important causes, to actively participate in actions to save the planet.

Chile I
work with children and, for me, it is super important to instill in them the importance of caring for and protecting our ecosystem, if we don’t all do it together we will achieve little.

Costa Rica
There are many people who want to help and do not know how, cyber activism is a good option, it is easy, it does not take much time and you are directly helping the cause.

With the vote of 27,849 cyber activists, the “Chainsaw of Gold” award was awarded to the governor of Mato Grosso, for being the personality that most contributed to the destruction of the Amazon.

With the help of more than 10,000 cyber activists from 32 countries, 27,000 hectares of native forests were saved and the lands of their ancestors returned to the Wichi aboriginal community.