
After a year and a half of struggle, the 21,298-hectare Pizarro reserve in Salta, which had been sold for clearing and subsequent planting of transgenic soybeans, became a new national protected area. The Greenpeace “jaguars”, motorcyclists in suits painted in the colors of the jaguareté, had blocked bulldozers and installed the issue in the national media.


Children and young people from the Kids for Forest project, led by Greenpeace, made known the work they did for the protection of forests before the Executive Director of the National Environmental Commission.


Mexico has one of the highest deforestation rates in the world. Greenpeace proposes that the government include certified wood in its purchases, that logging and furniture companies, as well as the construction industry, use it, and that consumers demand these products in establishments that sell wood. FSC certified wood comes from socially and ecologically sustainable forests.